Sometime I wondered why I even bothered? Sometime I wondered why I'm even doing this Sometime I wondered what's the point Sometime I really just needed someone to talk to but can't find anyone Sometime I really miss the old good days Sometime I really miss you a lot Sometime I wondered what could've been But sometime I know things happened for a reason Yet sometime I still want to hold onto something familiar from the past Your my special one even if I'm not yours It's okay to be sad We all gained and loses something along the way It's what make us who we are TODAY You taught me a lesson that not all story have a happy ENDING And now I can see the world more clearly than ever before I'm sure someone taught you that very same lesson too... nothing last FOREVER but still, we clinch onto HOPE and try our best EVERYDAY HOPING that at least FOREVER will be each and single day while we're alive I want to take a moment to say thank you...